Please contact us for anything related to the research that we are doing and to know how you can be part of this Lab.
Forward all your correspondences to Dr. Andrea Fumagalli

The University of Texas at Dallas
Department of Electrical Engineering
MS – EC 33, P.O.Box 830688
Richardson, TX 75080-0688
800 N Loop Road, Richardson, TX 75080

Work: +1.972.883.6853
Fax: +1.972.883.2710
Join Us
OpNeAR Lab is looking for diligent and intelligent students who are interested in a career in Optical and Wireless Networks Research. Students who are interested can be part of this Lab by doing their Ph.D. Dissertation, Master Thesis, and Independent Study under Dr. Fumagalli’s supervision.
OpNeAR Lab is also accepting students from Universities outside the United States by Visiting Students program (Master’s and Ph.D Students). If you have other questions, please contact Dr. Andrea Fumagalli.